Major buildups of lint, dust, and debris within your dryer vent can lead to severe problems. Clothes can be damaged, energy bills can go up, and you may even run the risk of a fire. Problems and blockages with your dryer’s exhaust vent can cause real issues. If hot air is not able to escape it can lead to far less efficient operation, damaged clothing, and even potential fire hazards. Few are aware of the dangers this can pose and the importance of keeping their dryer vent clean, nor of how lint and debris can build up in the duct. For the best dryer vent cleaning in the Escondido area, you have us to call on. Our professional duct cleaners can clear blockages in dryer vents from the outside and ensure maximum energy efficiency.
Blockages In Dryer Vents
Obstructions in dryer vents can be caused by any number of different objects becoming lodged. One of the most common problems is lint, which is produced when the clothes are dried. Much of this is caught in the lint trap before it has a chance to cause a blockage, but enough escapes that it can gradually build up within the exhaust. Lint builds up particularly quickly if there are any other obstructions in the vent, such as loose insulation or construction debris. The blockage in the dryer duct prevents airflow from remaining optimal. This creates an issue that causes the dryer to work harder and longer, thus costing you more money.
Clogged Dryer Vents Create Increased Energy Costs
Your dryer needs to vent hot air to properly dry your clothes. If air can’t leave the appliance quickly enough your clothes will likely come out damp, since the machine is unable to vent the moisture out quickly enough. You’ll need to run the machine for several cycles to achieve the desired result, leading to much higher energy bills. The increase in energy expenditure also leads to more wear and tear for the dryer. Vent clogging creates a need for the machine to work harder. This in turn leads to more hardware parts wearing down sooner as opposed to later. Your Escondido property experiences higher energy usage simply because your dryer vent cleaning regiment gets neglected.
Damage To Your Clothes
Another side effect of a blocked dryer vent is increased air temperature within the machine. Because heat can’t be effectively released, it builds up within the dryer itself. This can have several worrying consequences; your clothes may be damaged, and the machine can even potentially catch fire. The dryer vent clog often occurs due to lint and fabric accumulating inside. This restricts airflow and creates a sort of oven. Naturally, the fire hazard increases as a result. That’s why cleaning dryer vents every so often and clearing out blockages is so important.
Nearby Escondido Dryer Vent Cleaning Services
If your dryer vent becomes clogged or hasn’t been professionally inspected in a long time, use our expert HVAC cleaning technicians. Let us help you clean dryer vents from outside to ensure total clearing of blockages and debris. Call to schedule a service appointment provided by specialized Escondido dryer vent cleaning specialists in your local area.